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Miss K Shears Lead Teacher
Miss J Franklin Teacher of Geography
Miss H Dorey Teacher of Geography

In the Geography department, our main aim is to inspire a love of Geography in pupils across all year groups.

At KS3, pupils are taught a foundation of key geographical skills, whilst investigating a whole range of exciting topics in various locations around the world. Lessons regularly include current events and recent case studies, helping pupils to put what is being taught into context. Pupils in Year 7 and 8 have four Geography lessons a fortnight.

The AQA GCSE specification is followed at KS4, where pupils cover many key aspects of both human and physical Geography, whilst taking part in fieldwork and further developing their geographical skills learnt at KS3. Pupils who choose to study Geography at GCSE, (Years 9,10 and 11) have five Geography lessons a fortnight.

Through the delivery of an engaging curriculum, pupils are excited to be in Geography and are curious about the world around them. They are encouraged to voice their opinions in debates on topics such as climate change, get involved in practical fieldwork lessons and engage in a wide variety of activities to broaden their subject knowledge and boost their confidence.

‘I love looking at different places around the world and being in a room where everyone can have fun while learning!’ – Tom, Year 9.

‘I like Geography as I enjoy learning about how we can slow down climate change.’ – Will, Year 10