Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Purbrook Park School 
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a life changing experience: an opportunity to discover new interests and talents, have a fun time with friends and gain essential skills and attributes for work life.
Anyone between the ages of 14 and 24 can complete a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Here at PPS we provide the Bronze award level and participants will: volunteer to help a person or community, become fitter, develop new skills, plan, train for and complete an expedition.
Any young person can do their DofE – regardless of ability, gender or background. It isn’t a competition but rather about setting personal challenges and reaching personal goals.
By completing a DofE programme young people have the opportunity to make new friends, improve their confidence and self-esteem whilst enhancing their future CVs and college, university and job applications.
Purbrook Park is now accredited as a licensed organisation and the staff here will support young people through their programme, helping them to choose their activities, set their objectives and achieve their Award.
The Bronze Award
It will usually take 6 months to complete your Bronze programme. The Award is made up of the following four sections:
- Volunteering: 3 months
- Skills: 3 months
- Physical: 3 months
- Expedition: 2 days / 1 night
Participants will also undertake an extra three months on either one of the Volunteering, Skills or Physical sections.
Any questions?
Should you have any further questions about The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Purbrook Park School, please contact
Mr Martyn Rafferty - Duke of Edinburgh Manager - mrafferty@purbrook.hants.sch.uk