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Business Studies Curriculum 2023/24

KS4 Year 9 – Cambridge Nationals Enterprise & Marketing


Pupils will be taught the skills required to design, develop and deliver an effective pitch.

They will be taught how to understand how to effectively target a market, looking at key areas – customer / market segmentation and research methods (primary and secondary).

They will also learn what makes an effective entrepreneur and how these skills are used within Business and Enterprise.


Pupils will be taught key areas of market segmentation and how this affects needs and wants.

They will also be taught what makes a product/service financially viable and how to identify the factors that affect the viability of products/services.


Pupils will consolidate their learning and will develop further skills to support them with their exam / coursework.

KS4 Year 10 – Cambridge Nationals Enterprise & Marketing

Autumn Pupils will produce a practice piece of coursework to prepare them for their actual RO68 coursework.  They will look at each task for the coursework and will look at how they apply their skills, knowledge and understanding of the theory to this.  They will then start their actual coursework for RO68.
Spring   Pupils will produce a practice piece of coursework for RO69.
Summer Pupils will produce their actual coursework for RO69.

KS4 Year 11 – Cambridge Nationals Enterprise & Marketing

Autumn Pupils will complete their RO68 coursework and will have produced a customer profile for their own product design.  They will have used a variety of tools to evaluate the effectiveness of their design and as a result will have a product to pitch for their RO69 coursework - Market and Pitch a business proposal.
Spring & Summer

Pupils will create a brand identity and promotional plan for their product proposal.  They will pitch their product proposal to an external audience and complete a review of both their pitching skills and product proposal.

Pupils will also consolidate knowledge and understanding of theory learnt through the course, in preparation for their written exam (RO67).